Author Archive
Doing morning FreeBSD update
Applying FreeBSD patches is freaking easy.
Do initrd dance before turning Linux physical server into VM
If one day you decide to convert your physical server to a VM, which could be easily achieved if all its disks are presented from SAN, then don’t forget to rebuild initrd beforehand. Otherwise you would see something similar to this: No device found Scanning and configuring dmraid supported devices Scanning logical volumes Reading all […]
Workaround for Tomcat7 on Linux, JDBC and javax.naming.NamingException
A few days ago I was dabbling with JDBC and Tomcat7 and the configuration that seemingly had no issues resulted in the following error in the log file: org.apache.catalina.core.NamingContextListener addResource WARNING: Failed to register in JMX: javax.naming.NamingException: Could not create resource factory instance [Root exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory] Thankfully, Google pointed me to this post […]
“Change master” to the rescue or how to revive MySQL replication
Sometime ago had an issue with MySQL replication that consecutively faulted with two different errors. Initially with this one: Last_Error: Relay log read failure: Could not parse relay log event entry. The possible reasons are: the master’s binary log is corrupted (you can check this by running ‘mysqlbinlog’ on the binary log), the slave’s relay […]
DTrace is limping when rootless is enabled
Just learnt that DTrace can’t be run at full pelt when rootless Mac OS X feature is enabled. For example, iotop ends like this: : probe description io:::start does not match any probes And it seems that the only way out is to boot into a rescue mode and run csrutil disable to turn off […]
Interview fizzle as a chance to get better
Not a long ago I had one of those humiliating moments when a simple question makes you numb a or even worse – you begin to mumble an absolute rubbish. That is exactly what has happened to me recently and being an afterthought person (which, of course, doesn’t give me any advantage) I decided to […]
Expanding ZFS rpool in Solaris 10
I was really bad at googling the steps to grow ZFS rpool online without using zpool append, so here is my little story how I’ve done it. Before I begin, please, note that everything said below applies only to the configurations where rpool consumes a whole disk. If there is another partition sitting right after […]
In: SAN, Solaris, ZFS
Bryan Cantrill is back in BSDNow show
Another astonishing appearance of Bryan Cantrill in BSD Now episode Highly recommended.
mysqldump causes error 2006
Hot on the heels of the recent mysqldump I’ve been running on MySQL 5.5 which ended with the following error: Got error: 2006: MySQL server has gone away when selecting the database Turned out that this error is quite common and there is a quick work around for that – increase max_allowed_packet. In my case […]
What unites DEFINER, “show table status” and ERROR 1143 (42000) in MySQL
For the very first time I had seen this error a couple of days ago: mysql> show table status; ERROR 1143 (42000): SELECT command denied to user ”@’some_host_name_here’ for column ‘sid’ in table ‘masking’ What the heck was that?! Turned out that a colleague of mine was doing a cleanup in mysql.user table a day […]