Author Archive
Challenge goes on…
Yes! I did it and have made my way into the second round of Linux competition presented and organized by Yandex. Unfortunately, due to an upcoming trip to Nizhniy Novgorod I have serious doubts I would be able to participate since my train will bring me back to Moscow five minutes after of the start […]
How to replace a PCIE card in Sun Cluster
I’ve just returned from a quick trip to Nizhniy Novgorod where I had to replace a PCIE card, it was an ethernet adapter (e1000g). Not a big deal, sure, but the tricky part lied in the fact that this card was a part of Sun Cluster setup so I had deliberately chosen a slippery path […]
FreeNAS with MegaRAID SAS 9240-8i
Recently I’ve been involved in a small project to add a support for MegaRAID SAS 9240-8i into FreeNAS 0.71. To tell the truth it was fun since I haven’t been tinkering FreeBSD for quite a long time. Anyway, if you need a support for this card in your FreeNAS installation just download and unpack the […]
Permanent memory’s riddle
Several days ago I noticed that something wrong was happening with the way cfgadm reported the size of the permanent memory. On a partitioned SunFire 6900 iron with two SBs (SB0 and SB2) in a domain the output looks the following: I don’t believe in coincidences and the fact that permanent memory was equal to […]
Oracle Solaris 10 9/10
Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 What’s New
Oracle Solaris Cluster 3.3
Oracle Sun Cluster 3.3 has been announced. Read Release Notes to get an idea of what has changed since the previous release.
Mirroring root disk on HP-UX 11iv3
This post have been resting in a dust a way too long but now I’m going to fix that by guiding you through a very important and sometimes a vital process as a root disk mirroring on HP-UX. Truth to be told that there is no single grain of rocket science so treat it as […]
What a day!
Today was one of those strange days when everything is changing so quickly that it’s simply impossible to grasp a single moment of your life. Sometime I wish I had a pause button somewhere to fix that. Oddities. During the day I was using a subway quite extensively and every time I entered a car […]
Back from vacation
Smooth and sunny days are now over and I’m back to the city’s jungles. Two weeks have passed quicker than an eye blink adding another fistful of memories and joy. The autumn is approaching and its gait is getting louder with every day. It’s raining. The office’s window is covered with myriads of raindrops which […]
Mine Redmine
Hi there, it’s been quite a while since I’ve posted here but anyway, today I’d like to share a personal experience on installing Redmine on Ubunto server with mod_cgi. Yes, I’m aware about the Official HowTo but it lacks several steps which are not obvious if you haven’t read Generic Installation Instructions beforehand and expect […]