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iTunes U favorit links
iTunes U is an incredible and highly valuable service provided by Apple. It’s needless to tout it much because anyone who wants to feel [him|her]self in a student’s shoes has already tasted how great this service is and how much it could give. Here is just a list of my favorite iTunes links: MIT. Introduction […]
Jumped into Oracle Solaris 11 Express wagon
It’s not the news anymore that Oracle Solaris 11 Express has been released. Unsurprisingly it turned out to be a trivial task to upgrade from OpenSolaris (snv 134) and it was just a matter of updating the publisher and do usual image-update: Some time later:
My lovely SL500
My old friend SL500 has given me another gift just a few hours before my flight to Moscow from Irkutsk where I was replacing the robot module or Z-Drive assembly. So I rushed back to the customer’s site to find the following: The robot’s hand was frozen and standing still just opposite the slot it […]
Oracle Secure Backup
In preparation to a possible trip that will never happen I had to go through the configuration steps of Oracle Secure Backup to be able to do it quickly and professionally on-site. Since I didn’t have a spare tape library to play with I used a built-in tape drive from D240 box and SF6900 as […]
American cop
Wish that one day the cops in my country would act similarly to prevent an accident and not bluntly looking for a chance to bribe:
Set a limit on a process’s size
At times it’s require to limit a process’s memory size by some value. In such cases “ulimit -m” is our best friend. But what if the task to limit not only a certain but all processes on the given system. I didn’t know how to do that, and frankly speaking have never faced with such […]
How to create many ifcfg-ethN files in one shot
I had a quick task to create 254 ifcfg-eth1:N configuration files for a Linux installation and certainly spending the whole day doing that manually wasn’t part of my plan. Here is a quick and dirty one-liner I used for that:
Questions from Yandex
I have prepared a translation of all questions from the second round of the competition organized by Yandex and would like to invite everyone to test your knowledge. Keep in mind, that those who participated in the game had only four minutes to answer each question. Btw, if you’re looking for a proficient Linux SA, […]
Orphaned Dtrace, Fishworks and ZFS
First it was Bryan Cantrill and then Adam Leventhal who followed. After that the exodus had continued by Jeff Bonwick and Mike Shapiro both leaving Oracle. But today another big name from Sun Microsystems has closed the Oracle’s door – Brendan Gregg is leaving today and all we have been left with is a new […]
In: Oracle, Solaris, Sun
Game over
As expected I’ve miserably failed in the second round and had to rush home from disturbing and drizzling railway station’s environment. My only hope is to receive the list of all questions since the ones I’ve seen looked very interesting and I’d love to answer them just for myself.