Author Archive
Brocade and Qlogic (SANbox2) switches in one fabric
Below is a quick guide about how to merge Brocade and Qlogic (SANbox2) switches together. I understand, that a more intellegent approach would be to stay away from mixing different vendors in a SAN environment but at times we live with what we’ve been given. As always in our life, there is a trade-off one […]
Hylafax game
Bellow is my short summary of how I was configuring a Hyalafax server on Ubuntu 10.04. The end result which I was striving to achieve was a fax server that could act both as a fax2email and an email2fax gateway. Installing and configuring Hylafax server with a proven hardware is easy and surely not a […]
Migrating SVN repository to another server
Actually it’s a trivial task that has been already discussed and described in all glory details. Anyway, just for a record, I’ll duplicate that information here. Dump the content of your current SVN repository. svnadmin dump /var/svn > /tmp/svn_repository.dump Transfer it to a new server. Create a new repository and load the dump into. svnadmin […]
Upgrading Redmine on Ubuntu 10.04
In this post I’d like to describe the process of upgrading Redmine from 0.8 release to a new stable version (1.1) acompanied by a migration to a new host. Before we begin please visit the official upgrade guide since it lists all the details that would suffice most of the users. Save the content of […]
Nginx is a memory savior.
As soon as I switched to Nginx yesterday the positive outcome wasn’t long in coming. As you could see I was able to save 200MB of precious RAM just swapping from Apache and mod_fcgid to Nginx and php-fpm. Do happy savings ;-)
Linux Conf Au 2011
If you missed the chance to participate in this year or, like me, you’re thousands miles away from Down Under then this link would help you stay tuned and feel the pulse of Linux kernel development. Another options is to subscribe to a podcast using iTunes. Choose one that suits you best. Enjoy watching the cool stuff.
I’m a racker
I’ve finally evaporated into the sky and moved my modest blog into the cloud hosting. The reason for this step was quite common – my previous VPS provider has been doing a marvelous job and always has been a quick responser to any issues I had. Unfortunately, the number of the support tickets began to […]
A fife or a pot
There was an old soviet cartoon that tells a story about a small girl who was too lazy to plunk the berries in a forest. I could understand her – this activity usually involves intensive crawling on the knees and there is no way to avoid bending your back so it certainly would immensely hurt in the evening…
Samurai. Art of War
This is the second time the exhibition “Samurai. Art of War” is being presented in Moscow. And even if you have visited the first one and still hesitate whether to attend an exhibition with the same name for the second time then here is my advise – drop away all your doubts and fears because […]
Winter fun
It’s been such a great fun to spend these long winter holidays with my family. Thankfully, because of a beautiful weather which gifted us with a lot of snow and frosty days, we stayed mostly outdoors plunging ourselves into snow, skating, sliding from icy hills and doing a lot of other snowish winter capering.