Moving to OmniOS Community Edition
Had a small snag when I tried to upgrade my old (r151018) OmniOS installation to OmniOS CE as described in the ANNOUNCEMENT OmniOS Community Edition – OmniOSce r151022h
During “pkg update” stage I got something similar to the following:
pkg update: The certificate which issued this certificate:/C=US/ST=Maryland/O=OmniTI/OU=OmniOS/CN=OmniOS r151018 Release
Signing Certificate/emailAddress=omnios-supp… could not be found.
Thankfully, the solution was a straightforward sequence of steps to upgrade to r151020, then to r151021 and finally to r151022.
From there I was able to successfully upgrade to OmniOS CE. Even “-r” option in “pkg update -rv” worked as a charm because this option doesn’t exist in r151018. Probably, I could skip r151021 all together, but it’s always better be safe than sorry.