What a day!
Today was one of those strange days when everything is changing so quickly that it’s simply impossible to grasp a single moment of your life. Sometime I wish I had a pause button somewhere to fix that. Oddities. During the day I was using a subway quite extensively and every time I entered a car there was a homeless reeking so hard and badly making an impression that a tear-gas grenade had just exploded. Lesson learned. If you think you know everything my advise just go through a job interview to make this illusion to dissolve. The advantage of this is that the skills and knowledge that have been buried deeply inside your mind could be revived quickly in a flash. Too bad for you, if you like me, could remember a right answer one hour after the interview and when it’s too late. There no such thing as a rewind button and the time machine is yet to be invented, so just try to be more collected the next time.
Good luck, my friend.